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Implementation guide

  1. Start small. Before sharing your bot with colleagues, try it out yourself to ensure it's working as intended. Starting small helps you identify any potential issues and make necessary adjustments before showing it to others.
  2. Start with simple sources of data or information and gradually add more. For educational materials, we recommend adding a Dictionary first, followed by Tutorial Guidances and Video Transcripts. This step-by-step approach ensures your bot is answering queries accurately and prepares it for more complex data.
  3. Make it Easy. Make the bot creation process easy by testing your library in our WebChat or creating a Telegram bot – both of which can be done in just 2-3 minutes or even seconds in case of our WebChat. As you become more confident in using IngestAI, creating additional chatbots for other platforms becomes much easier. You can add Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, embed our WebChat into your website or access it through our API Endpoints.
  4. Analysis and Action. After creating your bot, share it with a small group of colleagues to obtain feedback and valuable insights. Use this information to improve your bot's accuracy and effectiveness (e.g. playing with the creativity level and detalization). Analysis of how your colleagues are using it and their feedback can help you create better bots that will provide meaningful assistance to your team and customers.