
Revolutionize Your Business with IngestAI: Build Internal AI-Tools 10x Faster

By Vasyl Rakivnenko

For more than two decades, computer users have struggled with data findability issues. Often, finding a specific file or pinpointing an exact spot where a question is answered becomes an elusive task. But what if you could communicate with your documents as if you were having a conversation? Enter IngestAI, a no-code platform that enables you to create AI-applications, revolutionizing efficiency in the workplace.

If you're wondering what is an artificial intelligence and how it can revolutionize your business, our article on building internal AI tools will provide you with a comprehensive explanation.

The Impact of AI on Productivity and Employee Development

According to a study by Accenture, artificial intelligence has the ability to increase productivity by 40% or more. IngestAI has been a game-changer, facilitating the creation of over 7,000 AI-apps in just six weeks after it’s public launch. Most of these apps are personal knowledge chatbots, enterprise knowledge base chatbots, and enterprise semantic search engines, that streamline processes for organizations of all sizes.

Research indicates that approximately 30% of time spent at work involves searching and gathering information. AI can revolutionize aspects of the employee life cycle, from onboarding new recruits and facilitating compliance training to reskilling existing employees in response to evolving business needs.

Leveraging IngestAI to Build AI-Apps with Pre-Built Components

IngestAI is designed to help non-technical users build AI-apps quickly with 100+ pre-built components, including AI models, vector databases, prompt templates, web crawler, API, and integrations with platforms like Slack, WhatsApp, Discord, and MS Teams. 

One popular AI-app built with IngestAI works as a layered solution on top of clients’ existing cloud storage platforms, enabling a natural language search over their knowledge base and allowing a chatbot-like experience within any interface, such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, or WhatsApp.

What Sets IngestAI Apart

With a community-driven approach, ease of use, and scalability, our platform distinguishes itself from other AI solutions. With almost 20,000 registered users responsible for creating over 7,000 apps, IngestAI offers a flexible, resilient, and stable architecture supported by a distributed framework and microservices. 

All AI-applications are made up of the same building blocks: AI models, vector databases, UI, and integrations. IngestAI provides these blocks out of the box, so you can spend your time assembling your AI, not inventing it from scratch.

IngestAI's Unique Aspect: ChatGPT-Independent AI-Apps

One unique aspect of our platform is that users can build internal AI-apps that are ChatGPT-independent, utilizing our AI search, also called semantic search. This functionality allows users to rapidly find information without navigating folders and recalling file names. Instead, users simply ask questions and receive answers in seconds. For those who desire a more human-like, interactive dialog, we also offer integration of AI models like GPT, Cohere, Jesper, or BART.


IngestAI empowers businesses to harness the power of AI, providing a fast and efficient way to create AI-applications that address specific business needs. By revolutionizing the way we search for and access information, IngestAI is transforming productivity and employee development, ensuring organizations can thrive in today's digital landscape.


To make an AI ChatBot, you can use various platforms that provide no-code or low-code development options, such as IngestAI, Dialogflow, or IBM Watson. With these platforms, you can use pre-built templates or create custom workflows and integrate with external tools and APIs to build your chatbot. You can also train your chatbot using natural language processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning algorithms.

To build an AI app, you need to define the problem statement, identify the data sources, choose the algorithms and tools, and create a model that can provide intelligent insights or decision-making capabilities. You can use various programming languages, such as Python or R, and frameworks, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch, to build your AI app. Alternatively, you can use no-code or low-code platforms, such as IngestAI, to build your AI app without coding.

Businesses can benefit from AI in several ways, such as improving efficiency, reducing costs, enhancing customer experience, and enabling data-driven decision making. AI can automate repetitive tasks, analyze large volumes of data, provide personalized recommendations, detect fraud, and optimize processes. AI can also help businesses to stay competitive in the market by enabling innovation and enhancing agility.

To start building your own AI app, you need to have a basic understanding of machine learning concepts, programming skills, and data handling techniques. You can start with learning popular programming languages, such as Python, and machine learning frameworks, such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. You can also use online courses, tutorials, and open-source libraries to get started with AI app development. Additionally, you can use no-code or low-code platforms, such as IngestAI, to build your AI app without coding.

IngestAI can help with AI app development by providing a no-code platform that enables non-technical users to build AI apps quickly and easily. With IngestAI, you can use pre-built components, such as AI models, vector databases, prompt templates, web crawlers, APIs, and integrations with various platforms, to build your AI app. IngestAI also provides chatbot-like experiences within any interface, such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, or WhatsApp, and allows you to create AI-apps that are ChatGPT-independent, utilizing their AI search functionality. With IngestAI, you can streamline your AI app development process and focus on solving your business needs.

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