
Legislative Tracking powered by Generative AI

Effortlessly track legislative updates that matter to your business with Generative AI.

Ensure your company

Ensure your company receives real-time updates

In today’s fast-paced business environment, keeping abreast of legislative changes is crucial for risk mitigation and compliance. Our service leverages Generative AI to scrape governmental websites of your choice to track and analyze legislative updates, ensuring that your company receives real-time updates on new documents, laws, and amendments.

Let AI deliver you updates precise and timely

Choose a website you want to track, and let AI do the rest, delivering precise and timely legislative updates directly to you.

Immediate Updates

Our system is automatically tracking every change on your chosen web site helping you to be the first to know about changes.

Customized Tracking

Tailor your tracking preferences to specific legislative bodies or document types, ensuring you only receive updates that matter to you.

Insightful Analysis

Beyond mere updates, our AI-powered service provides summaries and analyses, helping you understand the impact of legislative changes on your business.

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