: Artificial intelligence

IngestAI founders uncover gender bias in AI text models, revealing varied biases across popular platforms. Study highlights crucial considerations for businesses deploying AI, emphasizing the need for bias awareness in tech decisions.

: Artificial intelligence

Master First Response Time (FRT) to deliver exceptional customer service. Learn what FRT is, why it matters, how to calculate it, and strategies to improve your support team's efficiency while balancing speed and quality.

: Artificial intelligence

Learn what escalated calls are in contact centers, why they happen, and how to handle them effectively. Discover best practices and strategies to reduce call escalations and improve customer satisfaction.

: Artificial intelligence

Automated Quality Management (AQM) revolutionizes contact center performance by leveraging AI and machine learning to evaluate 100% of customer interactions, providing comprehensive insights for improved agent performance.

: Artificial intelligence

Optimize your call center operations with AI-powered workforce management. Improve forecasting, scheduling, intraday management, and agent performance. Elevate customer service and drive growth with Ingest.ai's Growth Platform.

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