
Scaling Generative AI with Flexible Model Choices

By Volodymyr Zhukov

Generative AI is rapidly transforming the landscape of business technology, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency. As organizations worldwide begin to recognize its potential, generative AI is set to reshape industries, redefine customer interactions, and revolutionize products and services. Its applications range from automating creative processes to enhancing decision-making capabilities.

However, effectively integrating generative AI into business strategies requires more than just technological adoption; it necessitates a deep reconsideration of existing business models and strategies. This article explores the importance of flexible model choices in scaling generative AI and provides best practices for successful implementation.

The Importance of Model Choices

In the dynamic world of generative AI, one-size-fits-all approaches are inadequate. Having a spectrum of model choices is necessary to:

  • Spur Innovation: A diverse palette of models fosters innovation by bringing distinct strengths to tackle a wide array of problems and adapt to evolving business needs and customer expectations.

  • Customize for Competitive Advantage: A range of models allows companies to tailor AI applications for niche requirements, providing a competitive edge.

  • Accelerate Time to Market: A diverse portfolio of models can expedite the development process, allowing companies to introduce AI-powered offerings rapidly.

  • Stay Flexible in the Face of Change: Various model choices allow businesses to pivot quickly and effectively when new trends or strategic shifts occur, maintaining agility and resilience.

  • Optimize Costs Across Use Cases: Different models have varying cost implications. By accessing a range of models, businesses can select the most cost-effective option for each application.

  • Mitigate Risks: A diverse portfolio of models helps mitigate concentration risks, helping to ensure that businesses remain resilient to the shortcomings or failure of one specific approach.

  • Comply with Regulations: A broad selection of models allows businesses to navigate the complex regulatory terrain and choose models that meet legal and ethical standards.

Choosing the Right Model Strategy

Choosing the Right Model Strategy

Businesses face a critical decision: use pre-built models, develop custom models, or fine-tune existing models. Each choice has its benefits and drawbacks, influenced by cost, expertise, time-to-market, and business needs.

Model Strategy



Developing Custom Models

- Tailored solutions
- Strategic alignment

- Significant investment
- Requires expertise

Fine-Tuning Pre-Built Models

- Leverage sophisticated AI
- Adapt to specific needs

- Computational resources
- Requires AI understanding

Adopting Pre-Built Models

- Cost-efficient
- Time-effective
- Continuously updated

- Less customization
- Dependent on providers

For most businesses, using pre-built models with techniques like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and prompt engineering is recommended. This strategy allows for effective AI solutions tailored to specific problems without the overhead of building or fine-tuning models.

Hardware Investment: Rent vs. Own

When integrating generative AI, deciding between renting GPU hardware through cloud providers and owning hardware outright impacts both financials and technological agility.


Renting GPUs

Owning GPUs


Lower upfront costs

Significant upfront investment
Cost-effective for long-term heavy usage


Easily scale up or down
No logistics challenges

Limited by owned hardware
Requires manual scaling

Technological Agility

Access to latest GPU models
No risk of obsolescence

Requires frequent upgrades
Risk of owning outdated hardware


Less control over hardware and software

Full control over hardware and software environment

Renting GPU hardware through cloud providers offers advantages in scalability, cost efficiency, and technological agility. This approach maintains technological flexibility, manages costs effectively, and ensures AI implementations are supported by state-of-the-art hardware.

Focusing on the Right Problems

Focusing on the Right Problems

Identifying challenges that align with AI capabilities and add significant value is crucial for leveraging generative AI. Focusing on complex, high-impact problems can enhance competitive advantage and provide tangible benefits.

Importance of Targeting High-Impact Challenges: Generative AI excels at addressing complex issues requiring nuanced understanding and multi-faceted solutions. By targeting problems critical to core operations or strategic goals, businesses can leverage AI to drive substantial improvements in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and innovation.

Advantages of Expanding Context Windows in AI Models: Modern generative AI models, such as those built on the GPT architecture, increasingly handle larger context windows. This capability allows them to understand and process information over broader narratives or datasets, leading to more sophisticated reasoning and problem-solving abilities.

Adopting a Product Mindset in AI Strategy: Integrating AI strategy with a product operating model enables businesses to identify and prioritize problems that are most impactful. This alignment ensures that AI initiatives are closely tied to creating customer value and enhancing product offerings, driving more focused and effective AI deployments.

IBM watsonx Model Library

IBM watsonx offers a range of proprietary, open source, and third-party models, providing clients with a spectrum of choices to select the model that best fits their unique business, regional, and risk preferences.

Model Type


Proprietary Models

IBM Granite

Open Source Models


Third-Party Models

Anthropic Claude, Cohere

IBM® Granite™ is a flagship series of enterprise-grade models developed by IBM Research®. These models feature an optimal mix of trust, performance, and cost-effectiveness attributes, enabling businesses to succeed in their generative AI initiatives.

Best Practices for Scaling Generative AI

To successfully scale generative AI, Gartner outlines 10 best practices:

  1. Prioritize Use Cases: Continuously prioritize use cases aligned to the organization's AI ambition and measure business value.

  2. Evaluate Build vs. Buy: Create a decision framework for build vs. buy, evaluating model training, security, integration, and pricing.

  3. Plan for Scalability: Pilot use cases with an eye towards future scalability needs around data, privacy, security, etc.

  4. Design Composable Architecture: Design a composable platform architecture to improve flexibility and avoid vendor lock-in.

  5. Prioritize Responsible AI: Put responsible AI principles at the forefront across fairness, ethics, privacy, compliance, etc. Evaluate risk mitigation tools.

  6. Invest in Data and AI Literacy: Invest in data and AI literacy programs across functions and leadership.

  7. Instill Robust Data Engineering: Instill robust data engineering practices like knowledge graphs and vector embeddings.

  8. Enable Human-AI Collaboration: Enable seamless human-AI collaboration with human-in-the-loop and communities of practice.

  9. Apply FinOps Practices: Apply FinOps practices to monitor, audit, and optimize generative AI costs.

  10. Adopt Agile Approach: Adopt an agile, product-centric approach with continuous updates based on user feedback.

Generative AI represents a fundamental shift in the services market, driven by its potential to perform complex reasoning, planning, and execution. As businesses harness these capabilities, they are discovering new ways to enhance customer interactions, transform service offerings, and streamline operations.


Generative AI is a subset of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content, such as text, images, or music, based on learned patterns from existing data. Unlike traditional AI, which is primarily focused on analyzing and making predictions based on existing data, generative AI can create novel content that resembles the training data.

Flexible model choices are crucial in scaling generative AI because they allow businesses to adapt to evolving needs, optimize costs, mitigate risks, and comply with regulations. Having a diverse portfolio of models enables companies to select the most suitable option for each use case, ensuring optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.

The three main strategies for acquiring AI models are developing custom models, fine-tuning pre-built models, and adopting pre-built models. For most businesses, using pre-built models with techniques like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and prompt engineering is recommended, as it allows for effective AI solutions without the overhead of building or fine-tuning models.

Deciding between renting GPU hardware through cloud providers and owning hardware outright impacts both financial flexibility and technological agility. Renting GPUs offers advantages in scalability, cost efficiency, and access to the latest hardware, while owning GPUs provides more control over the hardware and software environment but requires significant upfront investment and frequent upgrades.

Focusing on high-impact problems is essential when implementing generative AI because it ensures that AI initiatives are aligned with core business operations and customer value creation. By targeting complex, high-value problems, businesses can leverage AI to drive substantial improvements in efficiency, customer satisfaction, and innovation, justifying the return on investment.

Some of the risks associated with generative AI include data loss, hallucinations, black box nature, copyright issues, and potential misuse. To mitigate these risks, businesses should prioritize responsible AI principles, invest in data and AI literacy programs, enable seamless human-AI collaboration, and apply FinOps practices to monitor and optimize costs.

To ensure the successful scaling of generative AI projects, businesses should follow best practices such as continuously prioritizing use cases, evaluating build vs. buy decisions, planning for scalability, designing composable architectures, prioritizing responsible AI, investing in data and AI literacy, instilling robust data engineering practices, enabling human-AI collaboration, applying FinOps practices, and adopting an agile, product-centric approach.

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