
Leveraging AI to Reduce Average Handle Time and Boost Customer Service Efficiency

By Volodymyr Zhukov

Customer service is a critical factor in driving business growth. Companies that prioritize delivering exceptional customer experiences are more likely to retain customers, attract new ones, and ultimately, increase their revenue. One of the key metrics that call centers use to measure their performance is Average Handle Time (AHT). In this article, we'll explore the importance of AHT, the challenges of reducing it, and how AI can help boost customer service efficiency.

What is Average Handle Time (AHT)?

Average Handle Time is the average duration of a customer call, from the time the customer initiates the call to the end of the call, including any hold times, transfers, and after-call work. It's a crucial metric for call centers as it directly impacts customer satisfaction (CSAT), operational efficiency, and agent effectiveness.

According to a report from Cornell, the AHT benchmark varies from industry to industry:


Average Handle Time


8:30 minutes

Financial Services

4:45 minutes

IT Services

4:45 minutes

A lower AHT indicates that agents are efficiently handling customer queries, while a higher AHT may suggest that there are issues with agent training, resources, or organizational processes.

The Challenges of Reducing AHT

Reducing Average Handle Time is not an easy task. Call centers face several challenges when trying to improve this metric:

  1. Identifying root causes of long call durations: Without a clear understanding of what's causing longer call times, it's difficult to implement effective solutions.

  2. Ensuring agents have the right resources and training: Agents need access to up-to-date information and proper training to handle customer queries efficiently.

  3. Balancing efficiency with quality customer service: While reducing AHT is important, it shouldn't come at the cost of delivering poor customer experiences.

How AI Can Help Reduce AHT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for call centers looking to reduce their Average Handle Time and improve customer service efficiency. Here are some ways AI can help:

AI-Powered Speech Analytics

Speech analytics tools powered by AI can analyze 100% of customer interactions, identifying key phrases, sentiment, and other factors that impact AHT. This allows call centers to pinpoint the root causes of long call durations and take targeted actions to address them.

Real-Time Sentiment Analysis

AI-driven sentiment analysis can detect negative customer emotions in real-time, enabling agents to quickly adapt their approach and prevent escalations. By proactively addressing customer frustration, agents can resolve issues more efficiently and reduce overall call times.

AI-Driven Agent Coaching

With AI-powered performance management tools, supervisors can receive instant alerts when agents are struggling with specific interactions, such as dead air or supervisor escalations. This allows for targeted coaching and micro-training sessions, helping agents develop the skills they need to handle calls more effectively.

Enhancing Internal Knowledge Bases with AI

Enhancing Internal Knowledge Bases with AI

Another way AI can help reduce AHT is by improving the internal knowledge bases (IKBs) that agents rely on for information. AI can create dynamic, easily searchable knowledge bases that enable agents to quickly find answers to customer questions and resolve complex queries.

Some benefits of AI-enhanced IKBs include:

  • Improved search functionality: AI algorithms can understand the context of agents' searches, delivering more accurate and relevant results.

  • Continuous updates: As new customer interactions occur, AI can automatically update the knowledge base with new information, ensuring agents always have access to the latest solutions.

  • Personalized recommendations: AI can analyze an agent's past searches and suggest relevant articles or solutions based on their specific needs.

Integrating AI with Your Growth Platform

To fully leverage the power of AI for reducing AHT and boosting customer service efficiency, it's essential to integrate AI capabilities with your overall growth platform. Ingest.ai offers a comprehensive Growth Platform that combines AI automation, enablement, and insights to elevate your sales and customer service efforts.

By unifying AI-powered tools with your existing systems and processes, Ingest.ai helps you:

  • Streamline operations: Automate repetitive tasks and workflows, allowing your agents to focus on delivering high-quality customer experiences.

  • Enhance agent performance: Provide real-time guidance and coaching to agents, helping them handle calls more efficiently and effectively.

  • Gain valuable insights: Analyze customer interactions and agent performance data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Real-world examples demonstrate the impact of leveraging Ingest.ai's Growth Platform:

  • Company A reduced their Average Handle Time by 20% within 3 months of implementing AI-powered speech analytics and agent coaching tools.

  • Company B increased their First Contact Resolution (FCR) rate by 15% after integrating AI-enhanced internal knowledge bases into their customer service processes.

In today's fast-paced business environment, delivering efficient and effective customer service is more critical than ever. By leveraging AI to reduce Average Handle Time, call centers can improve operational efficiency, boost agent performance, and ultimately, drive business growth.

Integrating AI capabilities with a comprehensive growth platform like Ingest.ai enables companies to unlock the full potential of their customer service teams. With AI-powered automation, enablement, and insights, organizations can stay ahead of the competition and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

To learn more about how Ingest.ai's Growth Platform can help you reduce AHT and elevate your sales and customer service efforts.


Average Handle Time is the average duration of a customer call, including talk time, hold time, and after-call work.

Reducing AHT helps improve operational efficiency, agent effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.

AI-powered speech analytics can analyze 100% of customer interactions to pinpoint the factors contributing to longer call times.

Real-time sentiment analysis powered by AI can detect negative customer emotions, allowing agents to adapt their approach and prevent escalations.

AI-driven tools can provide supervisors with instant alerts when agents are struggling, enabling targeted coaching and micro-training sessions.

AI can create dynamic, searchable knowledge bases that help agents quickly find answers and resolve complex queries, leading to reduced AHT.

Ingest.ai's Growth Platform combines AI automation, enablement, and insights to streamline operations, enhance agent performance, and drive business growth.

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