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Empowering learning experience at one of the Top US Universities

Online Education

Empowering learning experience at one of the Top US Universities
by IngestAI
Empowering Truck Drivers with IngestAI


Empowering Truck Drivers with IngestAI
by IngestAI
Empowering Brett Malinowski's team and community with IngestAI


Empowering Brett Malinowski's team and community with IngestAI
by IngestAI

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How can you use IngestAI

IngestAI provides easy access to AI tools for businesses

Classify messages and documents

In today's fast-paced world, it's impossible to sift through countless emails, Twitter DMs, LinkedIn messages, Instagram or Reddit comments, and various reviews daily. Distinguishing between vital information and what simply needs organization based on your criteria is crucial. IngestAI multilabel classification is designed to streamline and automate content management, by classifying documents and messages in a way that makes sense for your business, like customer support inquiries by request or social media posts by product.

Automate with text classification

Implement Utilize advanced text classification techniques to address a multitude of applications, such as optimizing customer support, delivering comprehensive sentiment analysis, and enhancing search and recommendation systems. By streamlining content organization and implementing sentiment analysis on diverse platforms like social media monitoring, news categorization, and spam filtering, you can elevate user experience and drive business success.

What else you can build with IngestAI ?

A chatbot that automatically answers frequently asked questions about a company's products and services, reducing the workload on customer support, and providing instant information to users.

An advanced search feature within a company's intranet, using AI to understand context and deliver more accurate results, improving employee productivity, and fostering knowledge sharing.

An AI system that automatically scans and analyzes job applicants' CVs, categorizing them based on skills and experience, significantly reducing the time recruiters spend reviewing CVs and ensuring a better-quality shortlist.

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